The Father of Conservatism

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Herein lies the Ghost in the political machine of the Rt. Hon. Edmund Burke. Much like Max Weber arguing with the Ghost of Marx, this blog seeks to make relevant and where appropriate support or reject Burke's 'Reflections' against the backdrop of the disastrous New Labour experiment.

Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Brown's speaks to save not just his skin, but his Party

A nifty blow struck with a duel-edged sword from Gordon when he mentioned he's all for apprenticeships, but not up for a novice ruling the country, said in relation firstly to George Osborne supposed lack of experience in the economy, then secondly attacking David Miliband for any presumptive challenge to his tenure as PM.

I liked his speech centring around Fairness, which is a sharp distinction from each of the Obama and McCain platforms of the whimsical word of Change. People can more easily identify quickly with fairness than they can with change.

However, the problems may start coming thick and fast when the actual figures of funding such bold pledges such as free cancer drugs; free subscriptions for long term illnesses; free child care extended to two-year olds; and a free health assessment for everyone over 40. With borrowing set to double this year from £38billion to some speculating an almost £100 Billion sum, our country's debt deficit will plunge us onto bankruptcy.

The old-age solutions are either you raise more taxes, which are already too high and won't kick start the economy, or you cut public spending in a big way. Coupled with this is the problem of Britain's aging population overtaking births. With the demographic in the dependency ratio of workers-to non workers becoming a heavy burden it will most likely lead to a huge hike in taxes to pay for all the above.

Another problem is ideological on the ground of institutional care given to two-year olds, when from a conservative stand-point the family, private or religious groups should be provided better play, educational and social provisions.

One aspect I did find worrying but extremely valid, is the mention that laissez-faire and unregulated markets have been severely challenged after last week's global turbulence. Brown's position was certainly that of the centre ground, as he stated on a few occasions that he and his Labour party to be pro-market, although the poignant exclamation is that we may be witnessing a shift in how economy ideological foundations are run.

This will cause the Tory party, Mr. Cameron in particular, to look at what legacy Maggie Thatcher left on the party and re-think the arguments on all-out neo-liberal policies, but all the while clinging to the pillar that a free market makes a freer society, much like Gordon has tried to do today. All in all a rather impressive speech in rhetoric, but future policy may be diluted due to financial predicaments and our precarious state of borrowing – 8/10.

Tory Tandem: David and George Show

It was an intriguing week for Tory HQ with their magazine exposures of the two Conservative front men. While Cameron secured a rather glorifying exploration of his historic rise by Time magazine in a Statesman-esque mould.

We saw George Osborne going a little lower by making front cover of the Daily Mail's
Sunday Live dressed like 007 under the headline The Osborne Supremacy. What I wanted to comment on was how down-to-earth Osborne appeared to be, something which Cameron tries, but fails spectacularly.

Having personally heard Cameron speak at a few events, I can strongly say he is an unparalleled orator and supremely comfortable on stage; however when in the crowd he mutates into a different man. In the Time exclusive, his biographer calls him
glassy and cold and thats is exactly how I considered him to be.

Cameron appeared to look through me and unable to connect, not just on the question at hand, but more worrying with the person delivering it. His pitch is
polished, another adjective his biographer enlightens us with, this Time article is one such example, but when dealing with the unscripted, the un-choreographed and the role of chance playing its hand, Cameron seizes up and becomes uneasy.

Compare this with Osborne's warm and light-hearted interview, allowing the glassy demeanor of Cameron to fall flat. Commenting on one of his part-time Selfridge's jobs George's quips “I'm a very good towel-folder now.”

Couple this with his NHS job where he entered into a computer a list of all the people who had died that week, an account of this morbid job is told with such a subtle humour it makes the reader smirk.

As a commentator, I've wanted to see less of Cameron's presidential stage play and more of the other shadow cabinet cameos, notably George Osborne, not just on policy, but also the man. I hope to see Mr. Osborne continue to step out of Cameron's glassy shadow.

Friday, 19 September 2008

Matthew Parris's attack on Christian Values

I begin my blogging life against the alarming rhetoric of Times' Matthew Parris with his clamour for Socialism to drop Christianity's help of your fellow man:

Upon reading his harrowing argument I couldn't help feeling he was purporting the dark and dank dystoptic vision of 1984. Parris states “Marx is about Power,” this worryingly echoes Big Brother: “We are interested solely in power, only power, pure power...the power over human beings-p275.”

Furthermore, Parris talks about 'muscular govt.' in a dangerous allusion to a boot stamping on the face of humanity. Twin this with his poisonous ideas like spurning 'nursing the weak' and not 'hearkening to disability' reads like like a pamphlet on eugenics where only the powerful should survive akin to Hitler's or Stalinist rhetoric on the superiority of the Volk or Collective.

A powerful arm of the State will not help people realise their true 'power' or strength, but a vast decentralisation and a shift to the local, where people have the 'power' to make free choices, not the State offering a final solution.

His view that “Socialism should never be divorced from...oiling the cogs and driving the pistons,” clearly shows Socialism is certainly not human – it treats Man like a cog in a machine or an animal to be herded.

“Socialism should see little value in personal freedom” is a frightening statement along with his dogma of the 'Power of the Collective.' For me, this collective doesn't have to just mean the State or anti the individual. The church 'collective' can heal the sick and cure the infirm in a more societal way than Socialism, for example it was Paul who said “If a man does not work he shall not eat.”

If all Marxism cares about is the economic superstructure then Christian values do much more re-educate Marx's beloved 'Proles' by being less work-shy, sober and a non-gambling entity.

What scares me most about Parris is his utterance that the Left must find a 'Class.' But whose class will they find? As always History WILL repeat itself, not in a Marxist teleos way, as it will not be the Proles, but the Inner Party or lib/left intelligentsia that tell people what to think like Stalin, Mao or the Guardian.

Parris's final battle cry for the Left to be “Unashamedly in taking command” reads like a revolutionary jibe that declares war on the fundamentals of democracy, as if Socialism had a 'divine' right to rule.

“What ever disunites Man from God, also disunites Man from Man.” E.B.